Marks and Brands of Albany County Wyoming, 1871-1880

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From Original Books in the Office of County Clerk of Albany County
By A. S. “Bud” Gillespie and R. H. “Bob” Burns

These brands were entered in the order filed, and the figures give the month, day, and year on which they were filed. The list is a kind of Who’s Who of Albany County Livestock Raisers, some of which became well established through the years and others whose names disappear from the tax rolls in a few years.

These rugged men all had one thing in common, namely an unbounded faith in the future of the livestock industry on the Laramie Plains. They backed this faith with grandiose plans for the future financed by large loans of money on which they paid the going rate of interest of one percent per month. Their plans and the stories of the wealth of the livestock industry with no overhead to amount to anything soon stocked the sweeping plains with great herds of cattle, horses, and sheep. These pioneer stockmen were from all walks of life and in the words of Sam Walter Foss—“The men who are good and the men who are bad; As good and as bad as I.”

Surnames in Marks and Brands of Albany County Wyoming

Abbott, Adams, Albright, Alford, Allis, Allyn, Alsop, Anderson, Anthony, Arnold, Ashton, Atkinson, Baily, Baird, Baker, Banforth, Bannon, Bates, Bath, Baylis, Beckwith, Bellin, Bilderbark, Bingham, Bird, Blacksburn, Blair, Blien, Bloom, Boberg, Bouluware, Boyd, Boyle, Brady, Brames, Brannan, Brickford, Brocker, Brorkett, Brounson, Brown, Bullock, Bunker, Burg, Bushnell, Buskirk, Butter, Buzzel, Caley, Cameron, Camp, Campbell, Carey, Carroll, Cassidy, Chadwick, Chase, Chatham, Chopper, Chrisman, Christensen, Christie, Clark, Clugston, Coates, Cohen, Colford, Collins, Conner, Conners, Cooper, Coughlin, Cox, Creighton, Crockett, Davidson, Davis, DeBiller, Deckard, Demming, Dolphe, Donnellan, Downey, Downing, Doyle, Dunbar, Dunham, Dunn, Dunning, Eberhardy, Ecker, Ehrhart, Emerson, Erehart, Evans, Evinson, Farrel, Fee, Fillmore, Fisher, Fitch, Fitze, Fitzmorris, Fleming, Foote, Ford, Foss, Fox, Furgison, Garrett, Gates, Gilchrist, Given, Goetz, Goode, Gramm, Green, Greroy, Groves, Grow, Gunster, Haines, Haley, Hall, Hallenbeck, Halloway, Halstead, Hammond, Harden, Hardman, Harney, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hayes, Hecht, Hendy, Henry, Herman, Hertz, Hines, Hobbs, Holliday, Honsey, Horner, Hough, Houston, Hughes, Hunt, Hunton, Huson, Hutton, Ihmsen, Ingersoll, Jackson, Johns, Johnson, Joslin, Judson, Keane, Keeley, Kellog, Kennedy, Kent, King, Kirby, Kirwan, knadler, Kruse, Lane, Lantz, Laramax, Latham, Lawrence, Leroy, Lewis, Logan, Lord, Marion, Marsh, Martin, Mason, Maxwell, McCartey, McCaslin, McDermott, McFarland, McGibbon, McGill, McGillim, McHugh, McIulvain, McMillen, McMiller, McMordie, Meldrum, Messeloy, Metcalf, Meyers, Miller, Mitchell, Monroe, Montgomery, Morer, Motley, Mulhern, Murphy, Murray, Nash, Nellis, Nelson, Newell, Newland, Nottage, O’Brien, Olson, Overman, Pasco, Patton, Pease, Phelps, Phillips, Pickford, Prager, Pringle, Punker, Rankin, Raymond, Rearson, Reed, Reid, Richards, Richardson, Rogers, Root, Roper, Ryan, Sargent, Sayers, Schmer, Seroy, Sevy, Shelton, Simpson, Slaymaker, Smith, Sodergreen, Spencer, Spindler, Sprague, Stanley, Stanton, Steadman, Steward, Straus, Strong, Stuart, Sudduth, Sutherland, Sutphen, Swan, Swazey, Taylor, Tebbets, Tein, Tesche, Thayer, Thomason, Tilliston, Trabing, Trewartha, Trumbell, Turch, Wagner, Walcott, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Waters, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Weidman, Welch, Whitridge, Wilhelmson, Wilkins, Willard, Williams, Wilson, Wolbull, Yelton, Yonker, Ypildon, Zimmerman,


Burns, Robert Homer, Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches, Laramie, Wyoming : Top-of-the-World Press, 1955.

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