Wyoming Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Wyoming ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Wyoming history.
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Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches
- Pioneer Ranches of the Rocky Mountain Empire
- Marks and Brands of Albany County 1871-1880
- Dr. H. Latham, U. P. Surgeon and Laramie Plains Booster
- Wyoming Stockgraziers Association founded in Laramie in 1871
- Clashes between Cattle and Sheep Owners on the Laramie Plains
- Al Houston, Pioneer Indian Fighter, Hunter and Guide
- Landmarks on the Laramie Piains
- Land Descriptions. Origin of Terms Section, Township and Range
- Roads and Freighting on the Laramie Plains
- Ranches on the Big Laramie above Laramie City
- Ranches on the Big Laramie River below Laramie City
- Ranches on the Little Laramie River
- The Ranches around Tie Siding and Virginia Dale
- Ranches of the Black Hills, Sybille and Blue Grass north of Laramie
- Ranches between the Little Laramie and Rock Creek
- Ranches on Rock Creek
- Ranches in Northern Albany County
- The Swan Land and Cattle Company
- King Brothers Company, World Famous Sheep Breeders
- Ranches of the Elk Mountain Country and Bow River
- Famous Cowboys. Top Hands of the Laramie Plains
- The Indispensable Horse: Ally of Man at Work and Play
- Water, Vital to Man and Beast: Life Blood of the Laramie Plains
- Changes in Ranching
Wyoming Genealogy Data and Information
- Ancestry Articles, Databases and Products
- Wyoming African American Records
- Wyoming Archives, Libraries and Societies
- Wyoming Cemetery Records
- Wyoming Census Records
- Wyoming Genealogy ~ Historical Maps
- Wyoming History and Genealogy Societies
- Wyoming Land Records
- Wyoming Military Records
- Wyoming Newspapers
- Wyoming Vital Records
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New Wyoming Genealogy
Jackson’s Hole Wyoming
The very name of Jackson’s Hole fires the imagination, so replete is it with historic interest and thrilling tales of adventure. A more beautiful spot does not exist. From the south it is entered by the Hoback Canyon, famous since the days of the early Astorians who followed the Hoback River to its junction with the Snake, crossed the mountain-rimmed valley and climbed the range over Teton Pass. The same route is in use today. A good road about thirty miles long brings the traveler to Victor, Idaho, the nearest railroad station. It attains in one place an altitude of…
Uinta County, Wyoming Genealogy
At a first glance it might seem that the history of a tier of western counties in the mountain state of Wyoming could hold but little of interest for the general reader, and I must confess that when I began the collection of material for these pages I had but an imperfect idea of the importance of the original Uinta County. Its claims to attention as they have spread out before my view are so many and so varied that my own limitations have been keenly felt. Especially was this true of the badlands of the Bridger Basin, a section…
History of Schools in Evanston Wyoming
On July 8, 1871, a school was opened above a saloon in the block between Seventh and Eighth on Front Street. The school room was approached by means of an outside wooden staircase, and aside from the blackboard a small table and some common chairs, was destitute of equipment. Attraction, however, was not lacking, for Miss Cina Hopkins, sister to Mrs. Crocker, was the first teacher. There were eight pupils, among whom were the Gingel children. Miss Hopkins resigned at the end of a few months to become the wife of John Conlisk, a well-known conductor on the Union Pacific…
History of Churches in Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming
The first church building to be erected in Evanston was that of the Baptists, who put up a substantial edifice on the corner of Center and Ninth Streets in 1871. Mr. Crossley, the colored manager of the Rocky Mountain Hotel, was a well educated man and was minister. With the exception of the year 1875, when Rev. J. W. Howe was in charge, he held services until 1877, when he left town. Owing to the shifting population, the membership decreased until it was deemed advisable to give up the property, and in 1877 it was sold to the Roman Catholics.…
Fur Traders and Trappers
In 1823 William H. Ashley, a Virginian, who had settled in St Louis, entered the fur trade. He was commonly known as General Ashley, having gained the title in the state militia of Missouri. With him was associated a group of men whose names have become famous in western Wyoming. Andrew Henry, whose services were invaluable both as organizer and explorer, became one of the partners, and he holds a unique place in that sturdy band. He was fond of reading and a skillful performer on the violin, which was his constant companion as well as an object of great…
History of Uinta County, Wyoming
Romancers of the early frontier in western Wyoming have passed. With them the squawman, the covered wagon and the American Indian, who has whooped himself into a tame and stupid retreat. Old Fort Bridger is crumbling into ruins. Even the creek beds, along which the ponies of the cowboys used to splash in low water, have shifted with the years. The first phase of the great borderland show is at an end. The First Settlers Physical Features Early Discoveries Fur Traders and Trappers John Robertson James Bridger and His Post The Oregon Trail Further History of Fort Bridger Early Transportation and Mail Service Union Pacific Railroad History of Evanston, Wyoming Chinatown Almy Bridger…