Greenwood Cemetery, Newcastle, Wyoming

NOTE: This is an index of cemetery lot owners, not actual burials.

Turn north on Delaware Ave from Hwy 16 between the Loaf N Jug and the Christian Church.

Transcribed by Marlene Dixon

This index is from the Greenwood Cemetery Record Book located in the Newcastle City Hall and is several years out of date. Names appear exactly as they are in the book. Corrections are listed after page#.

Pages 23 & 24 are missing from the book, but are included in the index in the front of it.

NamePage #NamePage #
Adams, John60Jackson, P. S.55, 59
Adams, Rev. E.R.67Jacobberger, Charlie137
Adkins, C.V.40Jahrig, Albert H.211
Adkins, Mrs. Lizzie131Japp, Russell52
Aimonetto, Pete203Jefferson, Mrs. Mabel72
Allen, Mr./Mrs. L.E.25Jenkins, Juan9
Allen, Wm.163Jessen, Edna C.9
Allensworth, Gus63Johns, Bert J.44
American Legion19Johnson, Andrew148
AMNS Co.143Johnson, E. P.65
Anderson, A.E.173Johnson, H. J.9
Anderson, Charles37Johnson, Harry W.125
Anderson, Mrs. Ras66Johnson, J. H.156
Apostal, George31Johnson, J. H.178
Armine, Dominic69Johnson, Oliver151
Armonia, John121Jones, D. J.27
Ashmore, Howard45Jones, D. J.157
Babbage, Mrs.180Jones, E. B.57
Babbitt, Alice J.27Jones, Sam J.203
Babbitt, G.W.27Julian, Warren52, 60
Bacon, Arthur190Julien, W.30, 42
Bacon, Ira165Kane, Mrs. Agnes154
Bacon, John H.124Keef, Paul & Ray20
Bailey, C.15Keef, Paul or Ray129
Baily, Arthur194Keeler, Mrs. Marjorie35
Baily, Estate, S.B.194Kerney, O. C.122, 138
Baird, Jay C.195Keys, LeRoy212
Baird, Mrs. Anna186Kidder, Frank39
Baker, Kirk65Kincaid, L. W.32
Baldwin, R.W.39Kinney, Ethel K.35
Baldwin, R.W.43Kinney, Peter214
Barbour, Alice9, 202Kinyon, Mrs. John59
Barton, Verne59Kinyon, Mrs. W. H.30
Barton, Verne F.186Kipping, Paul146
Bartusek, Frank66Kirk, V. M.131
Beall, Chas.142Kirkwood, A. J.47
Bedell, Alice E.57Kirkwood, Jennie R.47
Behnke?, Henry23Klodt, Nina L.10
Bell, Wm. S.46Knight, Hazel209
Bennett, F.R.27Knights of Pythias39
Bergstrom, Floyd A.136Kosko, Jacob6
Bergstrom, L.W.46Kouba, James20
Bernarte, Frank35Kozel, Jake66
Berry, Mrs. John213Krawazyck, John52
Bettis, H.A.26Krysiak, John71
Billings, L.A.55Kudlock, Andy68
Bingham, Gladys Moss185Kuemmerle, F. W.138
Bird, Sophia59Kugland, Carl3, 52
Blaine, Frank62Kundy, Carl26
Blaine, Frank C.142Lacey, W.34
Blakely, Minnie37LaFleiche27
Blakely, Ted41Laird, Mrs. Allen53
Bland, Joe8Lambert, C. P.10
Blankenship, H.63Lamerton, William222
Blechschmidt, Albert183Lampert, Olive71
Bock, J.F.220Lanham, T. T.72
Bock, John35Lanue, Soleman153
Bock, Julius F.35Larsen, Mary30
Bohan, Tom125Larsen, Mrs. Mary52
Bohon, James125Larson, Carl L.63
Bolton, Matt210Lassen, Otto69
Bonnie, Alva33Lassen, Otto W.43
Borgialle, Mrs. Charles56LaVergne, Mrs. Mary (Felix)11
Borigalli, Charley171Lawrence, H. A.7
Borigalli, J.A.17LeBeau, Sibby72
Bouker, J.F.182Lerch, Mrs. C.153
Boules, A.B.229Lerche, Mrs. C. M.145
Bowden, George12, 36LeRoy, Mrs. J. W.44
Bowker, Ira S.3LeRoy, Myrtle69
Boy Scouts4Letham, J. A.123
Boyd, Mrs. A.W.25Lewis, Mrs. George69
Boyd, W.8Lissolo, Peter132
Bozanick, Mike69Livington, Herbert67
Branscom, A.L.18Logan, W. R.153
Branscom, J.R.24Long, L. E.22
Bray, Henry48Lundberg, Nels13
Brennan, Dan56Lynch, Father P. J.179
Brennan, L.D.37Macolini, Mrs. Rosa17
Brennan, P.H.16Magden120
Brook, Young51Mahnke, Henry8
Brown, Wesley36Mahnke, Henry138
Brown, Wilbur56Maley, J. F.190
Bruce, Mrs. Mable S.68Manaugh, Edgar L.128
Bryan, Fred F.170Manaugh, Joe70
Bue, Mrs. Anna188Mangus, W. J.38
Bunner9Mann, Clarence71
Bunting167Mann, Mrs. Delbert66
Burke, Wm.71Marks, Mrs. Mary169
Burns, Earl56Marquiss, C. W.30
Burns, Evelyn54Marquiss, John63
Bush (or Buck), Mrs. L.H.40Martin, Ed215
Bush, Herbert40Martin, H. G.43 Family member asked to correct last name to Martens
Butcher, O.L.70Martin, John43 Family member asked to correct last name to Martens
Buttan, Minor B.194Martin, John R.215
Button, Minor D.179Martinez, Calastico143
Byrd, Paul E.57Martinez, Faris143
Cahill, Ed W.136Mass, Mary C.185
Cain, Paul W.9Massaglia, M.21
Calhoun, Harvey149Matheson, Don144
Cameron, J.W.32May, Goldie59
Campbell, Guy166Mayberry, Ora37
Campbell, Mrs.164McAvoy, P. T.30
Canary, John Jr.63McCasari, Jno152
Canary, John Sr.63McClure, Dave147
Carey, Tom158McConnell, Rev. H.J.179
Carl, Earl70McCoy, C. C.52
Carlin, Dr. E.J.54McCoy, Lewis65
Carlson, August16McCoy, Mrs. Roy34
Carlson, Charles199McCoy, Mrs. Sarah71
Carlson, John208McCoy, Mrs. Sarah138
Carman, A.S.50McCoy, Walter48
Carnaghi6McCoy, Wm. M.60
Carr, Charles E.37McCullough, J. N.118
Carroll, C.M.7McDermott, Mrs. Anna70
Carter, Mrs. Clara21McKean, Andy32
Cash, W.H.202McLaughlin, W. J.165
Cason, Ella73McMora, F. A.17
Cattles, Charles192Mead, Mrs. M. L.5
Choquette, Al217Mell, George145, 154
Church, A. C.235Mendenhall, Fred223
Churchfield, Phil157Menghini, Louis125
Clark, Bryan51Meyer, Earl G.71
Clark, Frank137Michaels, Roscoe65
Clark, Mildred72Mihalski, Alex24
Clark, Mildred H.26Mikesell, T. C.28
Clark, Robert E.139Miller, Allan233
Claycomb, M.J.131Miller, Curtis G.49
Clerk of Court62Miller, Emory45
Cleveland, O.S.33Miller, Keith45
Clifton, Isaac209Miller, Mrs. Myrtle42
Clinebell, N.L.123Miller, Mrs. Myrtle233
Coates, Fred W.28Miller, W. H.166
Cochren, John68Millhouse, A. R.16
Coe, D.V.200Millhouse, Edna M.22
Colby, Jessie M.50Miner, O. V.27
Colby, W.D.31Minick, Chas. F.226
Coleman, C.C.7Minick, J. H.8
Coles, Florence D.17Mirich, Eli217
Colich, Pete8Mirich, Ted217
Collins, Sam234Monahan, Wm. R.59
Colombo, Joe6Mondell, F. W.132
Combes, Ben9Moore, Y. M.13
Comer, Jack71Moorehead, Dr.25
Comstock, A.B.21Moorhead, Dr.9
Comstock, John62Morgan, Daisy54
Comstock, W.M.20Morgan, J. W.20
Conlin, F.P.156Morgan, J. W.141
Conlin, F.P.187Morgan, Mrs. Della36
Cook, Maude62Morgan, Mrs. Doil33
Cook, Sam63Morse, Bert F.40
Cool, Frank124Mudge, Roxie72
Cooper, F.R.176Muehl, J. J.23
Copley, Mrs. Emma69Mullen, Gene180
Cornelison, Jesse67Mullin, E. C.65
Cornelison, Mrs. Ward65Mumper, Noah E.63
Cotterlli, Louis31Mumper, Noah E.68
Cotton, W.E.32Munper, Mr.61
Course, Mrs. E.D.119Munper, N. E.66, 68
Coy, Mike140Murray, Chas. A.48
Coyle, E.P.125Musser, C. R.10
Crae, Fred187Musser, C. R.39
Craig, Ed46Musso, Joe11
Crawell, Pete130Musso, Joe134
Cristeff, S.52Mustiff, Alix49
Cristoff, S.30, 42Nelevanko, Mike21
Crites, D.N.58Nelson, D. J.6
Crosley, W.J.14Nelson, Mary C.6
Cross, John26Nichols, C. L.72
Crosser, Ray10Nichols, L.A.129, 136, 139, 142
Crum, Earl67Nicol, A.185
Cullum, Mrs. J.C.60Nicol, Mrs. Charles56
Cullum, Winfield60Nicolls, C. L.49
Cummings, C. Frank218Nicols, A. M.162
Cummings, Floyd43, 47No Name8
Cummings, Frank60, 64Noble, Gus E.183
Cummings, J.W.60Noe, Thomas Edison71
Cummings, Lloyd43Nolan, Elizabeth C.70
Cummings, T. Frank15Nolan, Jno152
Cummings, T.F.72Nolan, T. J.36
Cunningham, Edward E.13Novak, Albert198
Cunningham, Joe40Novak, Mrs. John59
Curley, Mary37Noyes, George M.39
Curran, F.R.151Noyes, George M.60
Curry, R.W.50Sable, Fern44
Curry, Ralph22Sable, Fern45
Dahl, John231Sackett, Zella B.61
Daily, Chas. A.71Scarlett, George216
Dane, Robt.159Schaeffer, D.61
Daniels, Gwyme51Schaeffer, Mrs. Arthur63
Darcy, John J.37Schelden, Mary E.160
Dare, Leeva50Schillreff, Sam21
Dare, William73Schlup, Mrs. J.H.64
Darin, Frank54Schmett, George33
Darrow, Mr/Mrs Lewis69Schmidt, Chas.127
Davis, Frank9Schneider, A.G.61
Davis, Jas.188Schneider, W.C.30
Davis, John182Schomberger, Michael136
Davis, Mrs. Daniel T.67Schoonmaker, W.150
Davis, Thomas70Scott, Jesse A. Sr.33
Debow Estate69Scott, Jessie Jr.118
DeBow, George49Sealock, Homer58
Denny, Lloyd10Sedgwick Hdw. & Sply.38
Denny, Lloyd71Sedgwick Hdw. & Sply.45
Deveraux, H. A.59Sedgwick Hdw. & Sply.52
DeVol, Howard H.27, 157Sedgwick Hdw. & Sply.53
Dewey, Florence20Sedgwick Hdw. & Sply.55
Dewey, Lawrence20, 63Sedgwick Hdw. & Sply.62
Dewey, Richard C.20Sedgwick, John7
Dewey, S. H.20Seiger, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.18
Dewing, J. A.51, 61Senate, A.229
Dexter, John & Harry66Sendker, Wm. L.55
Dexter, Mrs. C.C.32Severns, J.J.119
Dixon, Allie J. H.62Sewell, Mrs. Tillie70
Dixon Bros.189Shaw, Delbert B.17
Dixon, Mrs. Vera62Shell, Arthur68
Dixon, S. J.126Shell, Leonard A.32
Dixon, W. G.62Shell, Mrs. L.W.60
Dixon, Wm. J.69Shellheart, I.L.13
Dobson, James56Shields, Orval J.53
Dobson, W. H.171Shutt, George53
Dobson, Will L.171Sickles, Joe136
Dodge, Ray49, 72Simmons, J.E.214
Dominski, Francis13Simmons, W.H.186
Donielson, Mrs. Nancy228Simonson, James180
Dooley, Frank155Slagle, Mrs. Alice57
Dornacher, Mrs. .Joseph71Slagle, S.B.16
Dow, C. W.4Smallwood, A.12
Doyle, Ella64Smith, Anna44
Doyle, R. J.41Smith, Frank159
Doyle, Ralph J.64Smith, Frank ‘Shorty’68
Drake, Mrs.C. H.232Smith, Glen67
Draper, James E.39Smith, Harry211
Drazick, Wm. J.69Smith, Mrs. F.M.69q
Drummond, Jack50Smith, Pete25
Duling, J. E.175Smith, Robert Allen122
Dunbar, Frank70Smith, Wes25
Duncan, R. E.60Smith, Wesley9
Dunham, J.J.38Smith, Wesley159
Durkee, John44Smith, Wm.146
Dutcher, Mrs. L.B.29Smith, Zola54
Dylla, Joe59Snider, C.E.128
Eartherton, Harold70Snot, T.E.228
Eaton, F.7Snyder, S.E.57
Eaton, L.L.42Solberg, E.F. (r.r. man)204
Eckley, Earl D.22Soper, W.164
Eckley, Earl E.57Sosa, Ms. “Mexican”68
Edwards, R. O.31Spoon, John L.47
Edwell, Mrs. C. E.24Stanley, Mrs. Madison16
Edwell, Mrs. Earl23Staple, W.H.124
Eklund, Emil231Staples, Mrs. Anna15
Ekstrand, Hjalmar58Starkweather, V.M.7
Elliiott, Ellen Thomas22Statler, J.C.18
Elliott, Curtis197Stearns, Mrs. Wm. A.45
Elliott, M. W.24Stearns, Wm. W.71
Ellis, C. B.135Stenberg, J.F.205
Ellis, Jeanie S.41Stevens, Mrs. Ada18
Elphick, Charles208Stevens, William O.70
Engle, W. R.14Stewart, Mrs. Charles S.56
Erickson, Mrs. August67Stewart, Ray21
Erickson, Veda64Stine, Giovanni8
Ertle, L. J.61Stites, John N.41
Ertman, Wm.44Stone, Marie42
Evans, A.147Storm, W.L.50
Failor, Mrs.168Strohl, Clarence W.33
Fakler, David A.123Strong, J.E.196
Fall, R.L.227Stucker, Mary58
Fann, Carl68Sundstrom, J. Leo210
Fann, J.R.219Swaim, T.B.16
Fann, Mary E.43Swanberg, Otto56
Farah, K.178Sweeney, C.P.5
Farah, Rose49Sweet, Fred3
Farley, Fred25Sweet, Mrs. T.P.12
Farley, Mrs. Nora14Tauler,? Sidney230
Farmer, Donald23Tavegia Bros.234
Fawcett, F. B.28Tavegia, Mrs. Henry71
Fawcett, Frank W.12Taylor, John52
Fawcett, W.H.12, 36Thoeming, B.H.47
Feagins, M.184Thomas, G.C.176
Fenner, Dale48Thomas, G.C.235
Fenner, E. F.34Thomas, Mrs.17
Field Bros.65Thompson, Andrew6
Finn, J. L.16Thompson, Kenneth58
Fisher, F.J.121Thomson, Dan W.181
Fisher, Frank225Thomson, Daniel28
Fisher, Mrs. Carmon59Thomson, Daniel R.25
Fitzgerald, Mary66Thomson, Ed174
Flaurs11Thomson, Mrs. T.191
Four Jay Cattle Co.168Thornburg, Wm.162
Fowler, Guy29Tidd, Cliff49
Fox, A.R.201Todhunter, Mrs. Ruth68
Franklin, W. W.22Toth, Emory50
Freel, Adam195Toth, Mrs. John46
Freel, Jesse44Townsend, A.K.29
Freel, Jesse W.35Townsend, A.W.55
Fryer, Harry S.33Trujiello, Joe55
Gaffey, John214Trujillo or Frujillo, Joe55
Gaido, John11Turner, Edwin T.134
Galager8Tyler, Mrs. Celia30
Gale, W.134Unger, L.B.47
Gallinger9Updike, Hugh126
Garland, Mrs. Henry58Utter, E.C.47
Garrett, Ralph25Utter, John A.42
Geddes, S.L.161, 162ValDez, Leo34
Getchell, G.C.177Valentine, Gus6
Giacetti, Tom28VanBrunt, Mrs.70
Giachino, Mrs. John206Vanscoy, J.B.168
Giado, Emelio69VanSickle, Leslie28
Gibbs, H.W.9Varner, Burl26
Gibson, W.A.15VFW58
Glover120Vilas, Chris54
Godfrey, George62Vout, Jack230
Good, Millard51Wages, Allen66
Goodson, Mrs. Henry54Wake, Clyde60
Gould, Charles55Wakeman, E.E.55
Gould, Chas.47Walcott, Robert C.45
Gould, Claud198Walcott, Ward45
Gould, Lawrence55Walker, Cleo57
Gould, Mrs. Elain64Walker, George128
Graham, Chas.14Walker, Harry199
Graham, Wm.186Walker, Mrs. A.B.230
Graham, Wm. J.59Walker, S.J.139
Granger, Carl128Walker, W.C.51
Gray, Frank125Walsh, J.W.6
Gray, Margaret125Wantz, H.40
Gray, Robert R.50Wantz, H.O.184
Gray, Wm. D.55Ware, Mrs. Ruth31
Green, Harold48Warner Estate, Lloyd Paul57
Gregory, C.E.8Warner, Hallisey187
Gregory, H.M.52Washburn, Coriene L.52
Grigsby, Theo69Washburn, Mrs. Corrine L.31
Groner, Adam53Washburn, S.V.31
Gue, Ed129Watson, C.T.201
Guien, C.49Watson, Fred Sr.49
Gulyas Estate, Frank31Watson, Harry71
Gurney, E.F.206, 212Wayne, L.L.33
Hackney, Mrs. Elva17Webber, Mrs. Augusta221
Hackney, Oran1Wegher, Frank63
Hackney, R. B.172Wegher, Louis67
Hackney, R.B.17Wegher, Wm.41
Hall, Alvin P.68Weiss, Mrs. C.J.64
Hall, Andrew A.175Wells, Adelaide M.27
Hall, E. H.135Wells, N.E.20
Hall, Jerry173Wells, N.E.144
Hall, M. V.223West, Myrtle51
Hall, Walters223Westfall, Paul J.17
Hallisey, Warner187Weston Co. Welfare Board39
Hamilton, Lafe196Weyer, A.C.8
Hamm, F.H.34Whitaker, Clyde207
Hammer, J.W.20Whitaker, Edith207
Haniss, John E.35White, Lee4
Hansen (unknown P & P burial by cash found on body)135Whitman, Charles213
Hansen, Andy54Whitman, David221
Hansen, Hans T.54Whitman, Geneva54
Hansen, Henrick35Whitman, Oliver53
Hansen, L.B.42Whitman, Oscar221
Hansen, Pete35Whitman, Thomas53
Harper, R.158Whitney, Elma23
Harris, Clara132Whitney, Pearl23
Hart, J.F.8Wicker, B.F.190
Hart?, Hiram216Wicker, Howard65
Harvey, Mrs. Eva170Willenbrecht, A.A.38
Hauer6Williams, Fred J.56
Havercroft, Mrs. Mary68Williams, Mrs. Shirley64
Hayes, H. B.68Wills, Mrs.188
Hays, Allen64Wilson, D.J.191
Hays, Harlie218Wilson, Mrs. Guy L.118
Hays, Leonard40Wiltse, Mrs. H.D.61
Hayward, Mrs. Alta64Wilty, W.H.126
Henderson, J. A.207Wing, E.5
Henderson, Jas. A.61Wocicki, Andy61
Hereford, Charles36Woehrle, Wm.144
Higginings169Woods, Joe57
Hill, Mat192Woods, Mattie L.66
Hilton, Agnes28Woods, Mrs Vesta53
Hines, Mrs. John222Woods, Mrs.139
Hintze, Fred27Wright, Dean65
Hinz, Herman31Wright, J.N.9
Hinz, Mabel (Herman)14Wyoming Nat’l Guard236
Histed, R. H.232Yemington, Charles17
Histed, R.H.46Young, Paul130
Hogg, Ire?225Zaklan, Mrs. George18
Hogg, J.225Zanoni, Ben46
Hollingsworth, Frank24Zucal, Mrs. Louis18
Hollingsworth, Joe R.61ZumBrummen, Mrs. J.L.200
Holmes, L.P.217ZumBrummen, S.A.61
Holmes, Rev.217  
Holst, S. C.220  
Holst, S.C.10  
Holton, Olaf B.149  
Holwell, W. E.181  
Hooker, Mrs. Al26  
Hornbeck, Mrs.53  
Horton, Dr. F.222  
Horton, Fred160  
Horton, W.O.26  
Howarter, Wm.43  
Howell, Charles A.53  
Howell, F. W.224  
Howell, Fred150  
Howell, J. N.150  
Howell, J. W.174  
Howell, Minnie12  
Hubbard Estate, Elizabeth30  
Huber, B.W.15  
Hulihan, Ed P.29  
Humes, Ralph66  
Hummiwell, R. H.72  
Humphrey, F.D.51, 52  
Humphreys, F.D.44, 45  
Hunter, T. J.163  
Hurlbut, R.E.45  
Hurley?, Joe133  
Hurt, Lee J.25  
Hyatt, D.E.41  
Indian Tom17  

Credit and many thanks goes to the Weston County Genealogical Society for providing this index. Copyright 1999, Weston County Genealogical Society, all rights reserved.

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1 thought on “Greenwood Cemetery, Newcastle, Wyoming”

  1. My dad is Robert K Slenker of Newcastle, Wy. I am Kathleen E Slenker. I think my grandma is Elma Brown. My mom met Robert at BHSU in Spearfish, SD. My mom is Marion E Hoyt I am trying to contact anyone that may have known this couple in the late fifties. They were both vets. He was Army. She was Air Force. Thanks😷


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